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Training Summer Camp in Schweden!

June 15, 2019

Background:  3 - day camp including Training New Trainers (TNT)!

Date: 15th-17th of June, 2019 (accommodation available 14th-18th of June) Location: Gothenburg, Sweden Fee: 145€ (includes food, accommodation and the program it self)

Application and more information: 

Deadline: 2nd of May 23:59 GMT


Questions? Contact IFMSA-Sweden at 

CleopaTrain - Internationales Trainingevent in Ägypten

April 26, 2019

"We are opening the call for participants in our 5th SRT  ''CleopaTrain'' taking place from 26/4 till 30/4 in Dahab, Egypt. A life-changing opportunity where you will gain amazing skillls, create unforgettable memories and new amazing friends. For Years, IFMSA Egypt has been keen on maintaining a reputation of organizing the best events worldwide, recently evidenced by the MM 2018 and the previous SRTs.


In Beautiful Dahab, where the deserts and mountains meet the magnificent sea, we will be organizing the best SRT to ever happen; with the best trainers in the world, breath taking social programs and tentative preparations made just for YOU!






Date: 26/4 to 30/4

Venue: Ecotel Hotel, Dahab, Egypt

Fees: 140 Euro; including accommodation , boarding, training sessions, social program, transportation and logistics.

Deadline for applications: 10/4/2019 11;59 pm GMT

SCORP Camp 2019 Turkey

August 15, 2019


  1. Background: Call for Participans, for SCORP Camp 2019

  2. Important Information: -What: SCORP Camp 2019 
    -When: 15-20th August, 2019 -Where: Izmir, Turkey -Registration Fee: Early Registration:185€. Late Registration:200€ -Deadline to apply during Early Registration: 15.04.2019 23:59 GMT

  3. What you need to do:

    1. Apply for the workshop you wish to attend now!

    2. Follow our Facebook and Instagram Page

  4. Relevant Links:

    1. Application Form:

    2. Facebook Page:

    3. Instagram Page:

Migration and Health-Security-Nexus Critical Perspectives

July 20, 2019

Where? Berlin, Germany

When? July 20th - July 27th 2019

Who should apply?  Anyone interested in Global Health Challenges



Summer School and Alumni Conference

Students: 200€ (incl. 80€for meals)

IPPNW members: 120€ (incl. 80€for meals)

Professionals (with regular income): 320€ (incl. 80€ for meals)


We welcome applications until April 28th !

Find out more on our Homepage, or find us on Facebook.

Erasmus Summerschool on Climate Change and Disaster Medicine, Rotterdam, 04.08 - 10.08.2018

May 01, 2018

"You will attain insight into coping with health-related consequences of climate change, nuclear and natural disasters. Furthermore, you will attend inspiring lectures and workshops. After this course, you will be able to handle stressful situations in all sorts of disasters. Erasmus Summer School is all about practicing and learning: education through interactive brainstorm sessions and interesting cases."


Wo: Rotterdam, Niederlande

Kosten: 550€ all inclusive

Anmeldung unter:

"Diving Medicine Summer School" in Kroatien: 09.07.-16.07.2018

Anmeldung unter:

Early registration fee until 15.4. is 480€

Late registration fee 15.4.-15.5. is 530€

Included in the fee:


  • Accommodation for all 7 nights.

  • 3 meals per day.

  • Scuba diving class (awarded an official international certificate for diving up to 18 meters). 

  • Diving insurance (only for diving in case of instructor mistake). 

  • Exclusive visit to the JGL Manufacture facility. 

  • 12 hours of lectures from experts in the field of Hyperbaric medicine.

  • Transportation within Rijeka (Kostrena, Opatija)

  • Pick-up from Rijeka’s airport, train station or bus station.

  • One-day trip to Plitvice lakes (UNESCO Heritage site). 

  • Social Programme.

Für weitere Informationen kontaktiert uns gerne per Mail. 

Spring School Infektiologie 2018: 19.- 22. März · Köln

March 08, 2018

Vier Tage praxisnahe Infektiologie für Ärztinnen und Ärzte in Weiterbildung und alle anderen, die ihre Kenntnisse in Infektiologie ausbauen und/oder auffrischen möchten. Weiter Informationen findest du hier:

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